- When did [Hotel Staff Name] work for your Hotel/Resort?
- Could you confirm starting and ending employment dates?
- When did he or she leave the Hotel/Resort?
- Why did [Hotel Staff Name] leave the Hotel/Resort?
- What was [Hotel Staff Name] starting and ending salary?
- What was [Hotel Staff Name] position?
- Can you describe the job responsibilities?
- Could I briefly review [Hotel Staff Name] resume?
- Do the job title and job description match the position that [Hotel Staff Name] held?
- Did [Hotel Staff Name] miss a lot of work?
- Was he or she frequently late?
- Were there any issues you are aware of that impacted [Hotel Staff Name] performance?
- Did [Hotel Staff Name] get along well with management and coworkers?
- Did [Hotel Staff Name] had good etiquettes and manners with the guests?
- Did [Hotel Staff Name] had good product knowledge and keep updating about new products and services offered.
- Was [Hotel Staff Name] promoted while with your Hotel/Resort?
- Did [Hotel Staff Name] supervise other employees? How effectively?
- If I spoke to those employees, how do you think they would describe [Hotel Staff Name] management style?
- How did [Hotel Staff Name] handle conflict? How about pressure? Stress?
- Did you evaluate [Hotel Staff Name] performance?
- Can you speak about the strong and weak points?
- What was noted as needing improvement during this performance review?
- What was [Hotel Staff Name] biggest accomplishment while working for your Hotel/Resort?
- Would you rehire [Hotel Staff Name] if the opportunity arose?
- If I describe the position we are hiring for to you, could you describe how good a fit you think [Hotel Staff Name] would be for the position?
- Is there anything I haven’t asked that you would like to share with me?